Thursday, March 8, 2012

Holy snap... I am GOOD at this!

*eye roll*

No. I'm not. Well, I guess I should say that I'm not good at being consistent. Consistency. What an odd concept. Steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc.: There is consistency in his pattern of behavior. (Courtesy of

Are you making sure you're steadfast? I know I'm not. I've been working on it a lot lately. Consistency in housework. Consistency in organization. Consistency in my quiet time with the Lord. Consistency in working on what He's asked me to work on. It's so easy sometimes to not do things because we don't "feel" like it. I have about 5 loads of laundry in my basement right now due to simply that. Speaking of which... darn. the dryer just went off. Anyway, This feels like rambling. So let me end on this note:

Lord, make me consistent in all things...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Who are YOU?

 A couple of nights ago my husband and I had a friend over. He stayed pretty late and when it gets late I get kinda chatty. Although, I'm pretty chatty to begin with. Which as history has told me is not always a good thing. Anyway, when we finally made it to bed I was feeling a litte bad for my chattiness. I apologized for talking so much in case I embarrassed him. He was really confused amazingly enough and asked why I was even thinking that. And so starts my question for the evening.

Who are you?

"We're never happy with who we are. We always want to be someone else." Those were my husbands words. Why do we always want to be someone else? "I wish I was a better wife like she is. I wish I didn't talk so much. I wish I was nicer like her. I wish I had a better figure like her. Oh and if ONLY people could see me like I just KNOW they see her!" Those are my constant thoughts. I always wish I was someone else. Mabye those people I admire and want to be just like wish they were someone else too. I don't know. What I do know is that he was right. And I'm starting to think it's not a good thing.

Lord, teach me to be okay with the person YOU have created me to be! Help others to see You in the way I act, speak, and treat others!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day Two.

It's day two of blogging and amazingly enough I still haven't decided exactly what I should blog about. So I think I'll share some things I've learned since becoming a wife/housekeeper.

  • Your mom does WAY more than you realized. Thank her now. NOW I tell you!!
  • Splenda in packets do not make an edible substitute for the regular splenda. You will also end up with 32 grams of fiber in 6 sugar-free muffins. Just buy the big bag.
  • When you're makng pasta don't set the plastic colander back on the hot burner. It will melt and your kitchen will smell really bad the next several times you cook.
  • If you accidentally turn part of your husbands favorite jeans purple... just fess up. He'll find them eventually and it'll be really embarassing.
  • Learn how to play the xbox. It makes life a lot easier.
  • Superman and Batman are DC Comics and The Avengers are Marvel. Don't make the mistake of mixing the two. You'll learn way more than you want to. :-)
  • Star Trek is not the worst thing ever invented.
  • Girls can fix windows too. It may be a really terrible calking job and it involved some pink duct tape but hey, it's been almost a year and it hasn't leaked!
And last but certainly not least...
  • Love covers a multitude of sins.
I love my husband very much. We drive each other half-way to crazy most days but God brought him into my life for a reason. He's my best guy-friend ever. I thank the Lord for him. And I think that's the main thing I've learned since I've gotten married. :-)

Signing off-

Monday, January 9, 2012

There's a first time for everything...

Have you ever heard the expression "Jack of all trades, master of none."? I've decided for now that's okay. I'm a 24-year-old wife who has had enough of sitting on the couch watching re-runs while her husband is at work. Maybe I'll start scrapbooking! Maybe I'll start cleaning my house more diligently! Maybe I'll become super organized! Maybe I'll learn to cook! And maybe... maybe I'll start writing.

So far the scrapbooking desk is still in pieces (painted pieces I might add), my house is moderately clean, and cooking for one is no fun. But darn it all, I'm writing!! Maybe I'll be good at it. Maybe I'll lose interest. Maybe I'll be really terrible. But I've decided that if Jack never tried, he'd never know what he wanted to master.

So join me if you wish as I master my "Trade". :-)